C++ A to Z | ACA

C++ A to Z

Our new C++ A to Z course is designed for people who have decided to pursue a career in C++ development. The course covers an extremely wide range of topics relating to C++, Data structures, Object-Oriented programming and design, basics of GUI programming, multithreading, and more.



6 months



Course Format

Hybrid or Offline


6 hours/week


75,000 AMD

Experienced Lecturers

Learn from industry experts!

Get practical knowledge from those who successfully work in the industry.

Well-structured curriculum

Our curriculum specialists work on providing a program with a clear path and necessary theoretical information.


Armen Tsirunyan

Senior Software Engineer at OMD


Hayk Sargsyan

Senior C++ Engineer at Kindda


Sevak Amirkhanyan

Senior Software Engineer at Synopsys


Razmik Karapetyan

Senior Software Engineer at Ausdia, ex. Picsart, ex. Teamviewer, ex. Siemens, ex. Synopsys

Study Program

The quality of our courses is based on the structural organization of the lesson process: theoretical and practical lessons, homework, out-of-class communication with the lecturer.


During the lectures, students get theoretical knowledge, get acquainted with new technologies and working methodologies and discuss the materials.


During the seminars, the students implement the knowledge they received in the theoretical classes. The tutors provide individualized support to each student discussing the problems they encountered.


We are ready to provide comprehensive information about the courses, present their features and possible perspectives, and help you make a final decision. Throughout the admission and study process, the students will be in touch with the course coordinator.

Final Project

The theoretical and practical knowledge gained during the Profession courses is best reinforced in the last stage, where students are divided into teams and work on projects.


The students who successfully complete the 'specialized' courses, QA Fundamentals or Project Management course, are awarded certificates that are highly valued by Armenian IT companies.


The knowledge gained during the courses is enough to find an entry-level job. At the end of the 'Specialized' courses, the best students receive assistance in finding a job. It should also be noted that at this stage the final decision is made by the employer.

Get Custom Advice

Please fill out this short form, and our Support team will contact you to help you find out which course fits you best.



Intro to C++



Sorting algorithms

Input parsing


Bitwise operations

Multidimensional arrays


Object-Orient Programming

Member functions, Constructors, Access control

Static members and member functions

Operator overloading, Inheritance, Virtual functions

Basic design patterns

Function templates, Class templates, Member templates

STL overview

Sequential containers

Callbacks, Binary predicates of order, Input and output iterators

Container adapters, Associative containers:

Data Structures

Binary trees and Binary Search trees


Basic exception handling, Advanced exceptions

Տիգրան Քերոբյան

Տիգրան Քերոբյան

Java խորացված դասընթացի շրջանավարտ

ACA-ը տալիս է մրցունակ գիտելիքներ, ինչն էլ հետագայում կարիերայում հաջողություններ գրանցելու հնարավորություններ է ստեղծում: Ես ուրախ եմ, որ կարողացա դասընթացի ավարտին պես իմ տեղը գտնել աշխատաշուկայում:

Սուրեն Պողոսյան

Սուրեն Պողոսյան

iOS ծրագրավորման դասընթացից հետո Սուրենը անցել է աշխատանքի Realizelt LLC-ում, իսկ հիմա աշխատում է SoloLearn-ում:

ACA-ը տալիս է տեսական և գործնական այնպիսի գիտելիքներ, որոնց ճիշտ կիրառումը հնարավորություն է տալիս կարճ ժամանակում դառնալ ոլորտի լավ մասնագետ և աշխատել առաջատար կազմակերպություններում:

Հրանտ Խոնդկարյան

Հրանտ Խոնդկարյան

iOS դասընթացից հետո Հրանտն անցել է աշխատանքի PicsArt-ում, իսկ հիմա աշխատում է IntelinAir Armenia-ում:

ACA-ի դասախոսները լավ մասնագետներ են: Կարևոր է նաև դասընթացներին մասնակցող մարդկանց ընտրությունը. թեստի ու հարցազրույցների միջոցով ընտրվում են լավագույնները ու դասերի որակը դրանից միայն շահում է:

Արամ Սարգսյան

Արամ Սարգսյան

AI/ML Scientist Podcastle

ACA-ը նման է զսպանակի յուրաքանչյուրի կարիերայում. սկզբից այն սեղմվում է, երբ ստանում ես գիտելիքներ և հմտություններ, այնուհետև այն կտրուկ ձևով մղում է քեզ առաջ, երբ ձեռք ես բերում աշխատանք:


6 months



Course Format:



6 hours/week


75,000 AMD



Frequently Asked Questions

I am not specialized in the IT industry, but I want to switch to a tech profession. Can I attend the courses?

Of course, you can! The courses in the "Introduction" section are intended for beginners. You can register for the courses, or get individual advice on choosing a profession.

How can I join the courses?

The stages of participation are as follows:
- Register for the relevant course through the website, after which you will receive an email with information about the next stages;
- Participate in exam and interview stages;
- Get involved in the course.

How long will it take to receive information about the examination results?

You will receive an e-mail about your results within a week following the test. In case of not receiving any, please check the "Spam" section as well.

What if I could not pass the course exam?

You can register through the website for a consultation, and our specialist will help you choose a course.

How much do the courses cost?

You can find out all the information about the projects on the course pages.

At the end of which courses will you help to find a job?

- You will receive employment assistance taking part in Bootcamps, which don't require any upfront fees;
- In the framework of cooperation with leading tech companies, we regularly organize trainings and internships;
- After successfully finishing the "Profession" courses, we send the CVs of the best students to the partner organizations.

Do you have any individual lessons?

We only organize group lessons at ACA, during which the participants are having discussions, team projects are implemented, as a result of which students acquire team work skills.

Is English required to participate the courses?

The lessons are conducted in Armenian, but the terminology, literature and other resources are mainly in English.

Are the courses held online or offline?

The course format depends on nature of the course: we are organizing online, offline and hybrid courses.

Do you have an age restriction?

There is no age restriction for participating in the courses. People of all ages, including high school students and adults, study at ACA.